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Welcome to the "Careers" section of the Integrated Health and Social Services University Network for
CIUSSS West-Central Montreal
. What we offer you is more than just a job; you will have the opportunity to build the career of your dreams in a dynamic, multicultural environment that is full of exciting challenges.
CIUSSS West-Central Montreal
is proud of its reputation for excellence in care, scientific discoveries and visionary leadership. Our success hinges on the energy and competency of our employees who are definitely our greatest asset.
Review the list of available positions based on your fields of interest. To see all of our career opportunities, click only on the "
" button.
You didn't find what you were looking for? Leave us your résumé so we can contact you when a position becomes available.
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Job Category :
Administrative and Office Personnel (Admin. Agent, Admin. Tech., Doc. Tech., Admin. Proc. Specialist, etc.)
Biomedical Engineering (Biomedical Engineering Technician, Biomedical Engineer)
Building Technology (Building Consultant, Building Systems Tech., Architect, Mech./Civil Engineer, etc.)
Cardio-Respiratory Care (Respiratory Therapist, etc.)
Dietetics/Nutrition (Dietetics Tech., Dietitian-Nutritionist)
Finance and Accounting
General Work (Housekeeping, Food Service, Laundry, Transportation, Maintenance, etc.)
Health Technicians (Radiology, Laboratory, etc.)
Human Resources
Information Technology (Analyst, Computer Technician, etc.)
Legal Affairs (Lawyer)
Management (Director, Chief, Coordinator, etc.)
Nursing (Nurse, Nursing Assistant, CPNP, etc.)
Paratechnical personnel (BA, HSSA, PTA, Sterilization Attendant, etc.)
Planning, Programming and Research Officer
Prevention and emergency measures (Prevention Technician, etc.)
Public Relations and Communications (Information Officer, Comm. Technician, Webmaster, etc.)
Purchasing (Storekeeper, Purchasing Officer, Buyer, etc.)
Rehabilitation Professionals (Audiologist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist, Physiotherapist, etc.)
Rehabilitation Technicians (Rehabilitation Therapist, Physical Educator, Recreation Technician, etc.)
Research (Research Assistant)
Security (residence guard, guard, etc.)
Social Services (Psychologist, Social Worker, Criminologist, Community Organizer, SAT, etc.)
Specialized Labor (Electrician, Painter, Plumber, Carpenter, Stationary Engineer, etc.)
Visual Impairment Professionals (Orientat./Mobility Spec., Rehabilitat. for the Visually Impaired Spec., etc.)
Site :
All Work Sites
Birthing Centre Côte-des-Neiges
Catherine-Booth Hospital
Centrale Info-Santé Social
Centre de recherche et d’expertise en gérontologie sociale (CREGÉS)
Centre hospitalier gériatrique Maimonides Donald Berman
CLSC Côte-des-Neiges
CLSC de Benny Farm
CLSC Métro
CLSC Outremont
CLSC Parc Extension
CLSC René-Cassin
Constance-Lethbridge Rehabilitation Centre
Father-Dowd Residential Centre
GMF du Village Santé
GMF Herzl (CRIU)
GMF Queen Elizabeth
GMF SantéMédic
GMF St-Mary’s
Groupe de médecine familiale (GMF)
Guimont Complex (Miriam Homes)
Henri-Bradet Residential Centre
Jewish Eldercare Centre
Jewish General Hospital
La Maison Bleue Côte-des-Neiges
La Maison Bleue Parc-Extension
Lady Davis Institute
Miriam Home and Services
Mount-Sinaï Hospital
Point de service Outremont
PRAIDA-Port Royal
Ressource intermédiaire (RI)
Ressource intermédiaire, Maison paternelle Batei Avos
Ressource intermédiaire, Manoir Renaissance
Ressource intermédiaire, Résidence pour aînés Lev-Tov
Ressource intermédiaire, Résidence Sépharade Salomon
Richardson Hospital
Site Plaza
St-Andrew Residential Centre
St-Margaret Residential Centre
Union Street
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